Molybdatophosphoric acid spr. 814302

Molybdatophosphoric acid spray reagent pack of 100 mL __UN 3316 Chemical kit 9 II 0.100 L ADR/GGVSEB M11 (E) ADR 3.3.1/251: LQ PAX 960 10 Kg CAO 960 10 Kg
SKU: 814302
Manufacturer: Machery Nagel



TLC visualization (staining) reagent molybdatophosphoric acid. Used for visualization of e.g., lipids, sterols, steroids, reducing compounds. This product contain harmful substances which must be specially labeled as hazardous. For detailed information please see SDS.

Hazardous materialYes
Storage temperature4−8 °C
MethodTLC, visualization
Scope of delivery1x 100 mL of molybdatophosphoric acid spray reagent